Carlos Bustamante, The great teacher of scientists in the United States Sin categoría Fuente: Carlos Bustamante, The great teacher of scientists in the United States Leer más »
Study of folding and protein-protein interaction at the level of individual molecules Our seminars/Talks WhatsApp_Image_20230323_at_150942 Study of folding and protein-protein interaction at the level of individual molecules Leer más »
Professor Diego Bustos visits Chile Sin categoría IMG_1381_copyIMG_1358_copyIMG_1443_copyIMG_1351_copyIMG_1360_copyIMG_1356_copyIMG_1446_copy Professor Diego Bustos visits Chile Leer más »
14-3-3 proteins, a study model of cell signaling, allosterisms, and the development of allosteric drugs Our seminars/Talks diego_bustos_bannerdiego_bustos_2diego_bustos_1 14-3-3 proteins, a study model of cell signaling, allosterisms, and the development of allosteric drugs Leer más »
Welcome Camila Graziela! Sin categoría IMG_1215_copyIMG_1214_copy Welcome Camila Graziela! Leer más »
Yerbaloca Trekking 02.02.2023 Sin categoría 20230202_120807_copyIMG_0448_copy20230202_120818_copy20230202_114944_copyIMG_0447_copyIMG_0446_copy Yerbaloca Trekking 02.02.2023 Leer más »
Prof. Christian Wilson talks about his internship experience in Europe that allowed him to learn about new techniques that can potentially be applied in our country Sin categoría Prof. Christian Wilson talks about his internship experience in Europe that allowed him to learn about new techniques that can potentially be applied in our country Leer más »
Emerging Single-Molecule Techniques: Mass and Particle-Wave Photometry Macromolecule Interference Sin categoría Wilson_bannerWilson_1Wilson_3Wilson_2 Emerging Single-Molecule Techniques: Mass and Particle-Wave Photometry Macromolecule Interference Leer más »
In the footsteps of Ludwig Boltzmann in Vienna Sin categoría IMG_9531_copyIMG_9525_copyimage_copyIMG_9953_copyIMG_9538_copyIMG_9954_copyIMG_9947_copyIMG_9948_copyIMG_9950_copy In the footsteps of Ludwig Boltzmann in Vienna Leer más »
Determining interaction and folding of proteins at the single molecule level with optical tweezers Sin categoría Determining interaction and folding of proteins at the single molecule level with optical tweezers Leer más »