Standing on the shoulders of Giants (Pilli Proteins) Andres Rivas Our seminars/Talks rivaspardo3rivaspardo2rivaspardo5rivaspardo1rivaspardo4 Standing on the shoulders of Giants (Pilli Proteins) Andres Rivas Leer más »
Study of the dynamics, thermodynamics, and mechanical resistance of the FtsZ-ZipA complex of Escherichia coli Our seminars/Talks Carrasco_examen1Carrasco_bannerCarrasco_examen2 Study of the dynamics, thermodynamics, and mechanical resistance of the FtsZ-ZipA complex of Escherichia coli Leer más »
Study of the functional and structural properties of the heat stress protein BiP (Immunoglobulin Binding Protein). A Master Regulator with an Important Therapeutic Role Our seminars/Talks LAGOS_bannerLAGOS_EXAMEN1LAGOS_EXAMEN2 Study of the functional and structural properties of the heat stress protein BiP (Immunoglobulin Binding Protein). A Master Regulator with an Important Therapeutic Role Leer más »
Study of folding and protein-protein interaction at the level of individual molecules Our seminars/Talks WhatsApp_Image_20230323_at_150942 Study of folding and protein-protein interaction at the level of individual molecules Leer más »
14-3-3 proteins, a study model of cell signaling, allosterisms, and the development of allosteric drugs Our seminars/Talks diego_bustos_bannerdiego_bustos_2diego_bustos_1 14-3-3 proteins, a study model of cell signaling, allosterisms, and the development of allosteric drugs Leer más »
The Role of Research in Enzymatic Catalysis, Biomolecules, Carbohydrate Metabolism and Molecular Biology in Chilean Scientific Institutions between 1957 and 1980 Our seminars/Talks The Role of Research in Enzymatic Catalysis, Biomolecules, Carbohydrate Metabolism and Molecular Biology in Chilean Scientific Institutions between 1957 and 1980 Leer más »
Nano-Rheology: A Novel Method to Study Molecular Dynamics Our seminars/Talks Nano-Rheology: A Novel Method to Study Molecular Dynamics Leer más »
Lecture series of the Chilean Academy of Sciences and the Frontier Science Program Our seminars/Talks Lecture series of the Chilean Academy of Sciences and the Frontier Science Program Leer más »
Keynote speech by Dr. Randy Schekman, start of the 2021 academic year FCQyF U. de Chile Our seminars/Talks Keynote speech by Dr. Randy Schekman, start of the 2021 academic year FCQyF U. de Chile Leer más »